We believe that every child has a right to grow and flourish in a safe environment without the threat of being injured.

We believe that every child has a right to grow and flourish in a safe environment without the threat of being injured.

ChildSafe, an injury prevention unit based at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital is a non-profit organization that aims to reduce and prevent injuries of children through research, education and recommendations to legislation.

ChildSafe, an injury prevention unit based at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital is a non-profit organization that aims to reduce and prevent injuries of children through research, education and recommendations to legislation.

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Annual Report

2022 – 2023

Child injuries are becoming a global health crisis

Child injuries are becoming a global health crisis

Approximately 80% of child injuries occur in or around the home. The Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital (RCWMCH) annually treats approximately 7500 children for injuries which are preventable. For every child death as a result of injury, many more are hospitalized, hundreds of emergency department visits and thousands of clinic and doctors’ visits. Many children surviving their injuries sustain temporary or permanent, life changing disabilities. There is little focus on these injuries despite injury being the number one killer of young children in our communities in South Africa.

We work with other non-profits, government, corporates, and communities to achieve our goals

We work with other non-profits, government, corporates, and communities to achieve our goals

Our core focus though is the prevention of unintentional injuries that are usually regarded as accidents, such as, burns, falls, drowning, road traffic crashes, choking and poisoning.

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