ChildSafe is a non-profit organisation dedicated to preventing accidents among children under the age of 18. Our work is funded through the generosity of donors and sponsors who share our vision to create a safer world for children. Your contribution can help to make the world safer for children. Any support — whether your time, or your money — will go a long way to achieving our vision.
Please donate by filling in the form on the right, or contact our office to discuss how you can contribute.
Donate through MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet
MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet is one of South Africa’s biggest fundraising programmes, raising over R3 million every month for over 9 000 schools, charities and animal welfare or environmental organisations. MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet allows you to make a difference when you shop. You can make a donation to your chosen school or charity every time you swipe your card at any of the 12 national or numerous local partners at no extra cost.
ChildSafe South Africa is a registered MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet beneficiary. Please add us as a beneficiary on your card. Find out how here.