ChildSafe South Africa Welcomes Natasha Wagiet as New Chairperson of the Board General, News ChildSafe South Africa Welcomes Natasha Wagiet as New Chairperson of the Board By Shane|2024-11-02T07:46:04+00:00November 2, 2024|General, News|
WaterGuard Campaign: Stats on Drowning in South Africa General, News, Water safety WaterGuard Campaign: Stats on Drowning in South Africa By Guest Contributor|2024-10-29T12:58:17+00:00October 29, 2024|General, News, Water safety|
Beyond Swimming Lessons – A Comprehensive Approach to Water Safety General, News, Water safety Beyond Swimming Lessons – A Comprehensive Approach to Water Safety By Guest Contributor|2024-10-29T12:13:58+00:00October 29, 2024|General, News, Water safety|
ChildSafe South Africa Participates at Children and Adolescent Sector Consultation General, News ChildSafe South Africa Participates at Children and Adolescent Sector Consultation By Shane|2024-10-17T09:29:08+00:00October 17, 2024|General, News|
MEDIA RELEASE: Child Safety Month – Children need your help to prevent burn injuries Burns, General, News MEDIA RELEASE: Child Safety Month – Children need your help to prevent burn injuries By Shane|2024-08-28T08:23:09+00:00August 28, 2024|Burns, General, News|
Connecting with community on child safety at a primary care level General, News Connecting with community on child safety at a primary care level By Shane|2024-08-05T12:04:31+00:00August 5, 2024|General, News|
MEDIA RELEASE: “Anyone Can Drown, But No One Should”: ChildSafe South Africa Urges Water Literacy and Drowning Prevention General, News, Water safety MEDIA RELEASE: “Anyone Can Drown, But No One Should”: ChildSafe South Africa Urges Water Literacy and Drowning Prevention By Shane|2024-11-05T05:58:23+00:00July 25, 2024|General, News, Water safety|
Walking safely to school in Gauteng General, News, Road Safety Walking safely to school in Gauteng By Shane|2024-07-04T17:39:33+00:00July 4, 2024|General, News, Road Safety|
ChildSafe South Africa pioneers a comprehensive road safety initiative tailored for children with special needs General, News, Road Safety ChildSafe South Africa pioneers a comprehensive road safety initiative tailored for children with special needs By Shane|2024-07-04T17:21:16+00:00July 4, 2024|General, News, Road Safety|
Fatal Drowning in South Africa: A Closer Look Gallery Fatal Drowning in South Africa: A Closer Look General, News, Water safety Fatal Drowning in South Africa: A Closer Look By Shane|2024-07-03T12:48:22+00:00June 5, 2024|General, News, Water safety|