Publications, presentations and resources

One of our objectives is to gather and share knowledge about child injuries. Here you’ll find presentations, reports and other publications relating to our work. If you’re looking for particular information and don’t find it here, please contact us.



  1. International Study of the Epidemiology of Paediatric Trauma: PAPSA Research Study. World J Surg 2018; 42(6): 1885-1894.
  2. Training children in road crossing skills using a simulated road environment. Injury Prevention 2018; 24(2):1616.
  3. Significant difference in vulnerability for injuries between boys and girls in cape town, South Africa. Injury Prevention 2018;24(2):144
  4. Kinetic of Monocytic HLA-DR expression after severe paediatric trauma. Paediatric Critical Care Medicine 2018; 19(6S):25.
  5. Does referral to a paediatric trauma unit affect outcome? Advances in Paediatric Research 2018; 5:4.
  6. Traumatic brain injury: integrated approaches to improve prevention, clinical care, and research. Lancet Neurol. 2017 November 6. S11474-4422(17)
  7. Low-dose X-ray imaging for paediatric trauma comes of age. Global Health Innovation, 2019, 2(1). (In print)
  8. The Safer Candle Project: preventing fires from fallen candles. Global Health Innovation, 2019, 2(1). (In print)
  9. Engaging minibus taxi drives in the quest for child safer roads. Global Health Innovation, 2019, 2(1). (In print)
  10. Affordability and Availability of Child Restraints in an Under-Served Population in South Africa –